Traffic share by pages

This report shows the pages that get the most organic traffic based on your seed keywords in your target country.

Unlike the keyword ideas reports which only support up to 10 seeds, the Traffic share by pages report is generated based on up to 10,000 keywords.


See what’s dominating the search traffic for your keyword

Enter the keyword you’re targeting into Keywords Explorer (e.g. “affiliate marketing”) and go to the Traffic share by pages report.


Here, you’ll see that the first result from Investopedia attracts a whopping 48% of clicks for this query. This is because it is a featured snippet.


To get a decent amount of traffic from this keyword, it is likely you’ll have to try and get into the featured snippet position.

See keyword topics for your niche

Let’s say you have a yoga site and want to create content about various yoga poses.

Enter a bunch of relevant keywords into Keywords Explorer and go to the Traffic share by pages report.


You’ll see that Keywords Explorer has grouped the list of queries into topics: “yoga classes”, “yoga mats”, “yoga poses for beginners”, etc. Look at the titles for unique topic ideas that would be appropriate for your site.

See if you can target multiple keywords with one page

Do you have two keywords in mind and are not sure which one to target?

Enter them in Keywords Explorer and go to the Traffic share by pages report to see how much their SERPs overlap.


In the case of “whipped coffee recipe” vs. “whipped coffee without sugar”, it looks like the positions are far away from each other. So it’s safe to create individual pages for each.

About this course

How to use Ahrefs

64 lessons
3h 24m
Learn practical ways to use Ahrefs' SEO tools and reports to improve SEO.

What you’ll learn

  • How to analyze yours and your competitors’ websites with Site Explorer

  • How to master keyword research with Keywords Explorer

  • How to improve your on-page and technical SEO with Site Audit

  • How to track and improve your Google rankings with Rank Tracker

  • How to discover untapped keyword and link building opportunities with Content Explorer

  • How to get keyword and link building opportunities on autopilot with Alerts

Course by

Andrei ȚițAndrei Țiț is a product marketer at Ahrefs. He develops content to help you make the most out of Ahrefs.
Sam OhSam Oh is VP of Marketing at Ahrefs. He incorporates his commitment to education and love for entrepreneurship into actionable and easy-to-digest tutorials.