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Rank by traffic
In February 2025, paivyri.fi saw a decrease in search traffic, reaching 201K visits, which is a decrease of 1.3K visits compared to the previous month. The traffic value increased to 44K, a growth of 865.
For paivyri.fi, Finland dominates traffic with 200K visits, a decrease of 1.1K from the previous month, making up 99.4% of the total traffic.
Location | Traffic | Share | |||||||
200K | −1.1K | 99.4% | |||||||
470 | −3 | 0.2% | |||||||
234 | −136 | 0.1% | |||||||
160 | +16 | 0% | |||||||
148 | −5 | 0% | |||||||
paivyri.fi ranks #1 for "nimipäivä tänään" in Finland and receives 37K monthly visits from this keyword alone, an increase of 36K from the previous month.
Keyword | Volume | Traffic | Position | ||||||
nimipäivä tänään | 55K | +11K | 37K | +36K | 3 → 1 | ||||
kalenteri | 25K | −3.0K | 18K | −2.0K | 1 | ||||
päivyri | 10K | −3.0K | 10K | −2.4K | 1 | ||||
kalenteri 2024 | 23K | +1.0K | 8.2K | +295 | 1 | ||||
auringon nousu ja lasku | 7.1K | −100 | 7.0K | −96 | 1 | ||||
viikkonumero.fi, juhlapyhät.fi and calendar.center rank in the top 10 organic search results for the same keywords that paivyri.fi gets the most traffic from. Discover more competitors of paivyri.fi.
Website | Traffic | Pages | |||||||
viikkonumero.fi | 153K | 645 | |||||||
juhlapyhät.fi | 151K | 261 | |||||||
calendar.center | 131K | 577 | |||||||
nimipaivat.fi | 66K | 9.5K | |||||||
nimipäivä.fi | 11K | 1.2K | |||||||
As of February 2025, paivyri.fi's Domain Rating is 42, reflecting an increase of 1 point since the previous month. paivyri.fi is linked by 336 websites, indicating an increase of 21 referring sites from the previous month.
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