"Mektebim.kg is a comprehensive educational website that caters to the needs of students, parents, and educators in Kyrgyzstan. With a wide range of resources and tools, the website offers a platform for students to access study materials, practice tests, and interactive learning activities. Parents can stay updated on their child's academic progress through the website's parent portal, which provides information on attendance, grades, and school announcements. Additionally, educators can find valuable teaching resources, lesson plans, and professional development opportunities to enhance their teaching skills. Mektebim.kg is a one-stop destination for all educational needs in Kyrgyzstan, fostering a collaborative and engaging learning environment for students, parents, and educators alike."
Rank by traffic
In March 2025, mektebim.kg saw a decrease in search traffic, reaching 1.7K visits, which is a decrease of 1.0K visits compared to the previous month. The traffic value increased to 4, a growth of 1.
For mektebim.kg, Kyrgyzstan dominates traffic with 1.5K visits, a decrease of 1.0K from the previous month, making up 87.7% of the total traffic.
Location | TrafficTraffic | ShareShare | |||||||
1.5K | −1.0K | 87.7% | |||||||
200 | +23 | 11.4% | |||||||
13 | +4 | 0.7% | |||||||
mektebim.kg ranks #1 for "ак жол сага бутуруучу" in Kyrgyzstan and receives 331 monthly visits from this keyword alone, an increase of 6 from the previous month.
Keyword | VolumeVolume | TrafficTraffic | PositionPosition | ||||||
ак жол сага бутуруучу | 900 | −1.8K | 331 | +6 | 3 → 1 | ||||
энелер мектеби иштелмеси | 90 | 32 | +19 | 3 → 1 | |||||
келишим улгусу | 150 | 27 | 1 | ||||||
билим куну | 150 | 27 | +5 | 3 | |||||
диагностикалык баалоо | 70 | 25 | +15 | 2 → 1 | |||||
edubish.kg, kao.kg and kutbilim.kg rank in the top 10 organic search results for the same keywords that mektebim.kg gets the most traffic from. Discover more competitors of mektebim.kg.
Website | TrafficTraffic | PagesPages | |||||||
edubish.kg | 8.1K | 962 | |||||||
kao.kg | 575 | 301 | |||||||
kutbilim.kg | 1.5K | 585 | |||||||
okuma.kg | 3.5K | 450 | |||||||
edu.gov.kg | 12K | 1.2K | |||||||
As of March 2025, mektebim.kg's Domain Rating is 15. mektebim.kg is linked by 39 websites, indicating an increase of 1 referring sites from the previous month.
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