"ipvzdelavanie.sk" is a website dedicated to providing educational resources and information related to IP (Intellectual Property) rights. Whether you are a student, professional, or simply interested in learning more about IP, this website offers a wide range of articles, guides, and tutorials to help you understand the intricacies of IP law and its applications. From copyright and trademark to patents and trade secrets, "ipvzdelavanie.sk" aims to empower individuals and businesses with the knowledge they need to protect their creative works and innovations. Explore the various sections of the website to enhance your understanding of IP and stay updated with the latest developments in this field.
Note: The website "ipvzdelavanie.sk" does not contain explicit or adult content.
Rank by traffic
In March 2025, ipvzdelavanie.sk saw an increase in search traffic, reaching 7.0K visits, which is an increase of 1.9K visits compared to the previous month. The traffic value increased to 335, a growth of 126.
For ipvzdelavanie.sk, Slovakia dominates traffic with 7.0K visits, an increase of 1.9K from the previous month, making up 100% of the total traffic.
Location | Traffic | Share | |||||||
7.0K | +1.9K | 100% | |||||||
ipvzdelavanie.sk ranks #1 for "prazdniny 2024" in Slovakia and receives 7.2K monthly visits from this keyword alone.
Keyword | Volume | Traffic | Position | ||||||
prazdniny 2024 | 20K | 7.2K | 1 | ||||||
skolske prazdniny 2024 | 3.1K | 1.1K | 1 | ||||||
jesenne prazdniny 2024 | 2.4K | −300 | 856 | −110 | 1 | ||||
ip gymnazium | 350 | −250 | 387 | −257 | 1 | ||||
prázdniny 2023/24 | 1.0K | 358 | +286 | 5 → 1 | |||||
zusvrbenskeho.eu, cielene.sk and skolapopulo.sk rank in the top 10 organic search results for the same keywords that ipvzdelavanie.sk gets the most traffic from. Discover more competitors of ipvzdelavanie.sk.
Website | Traffic | Pages | |||||||
zusvrbenskeho.eu | 3.0K | 68 | |||||||
cielene.sk | 946 | 58 | |||||||
skolapopulo.sk | 683 | 86 | |||||||
ssjh.sk | 27K | 656 | |||||||
freedu.sk | 1.8K | 100 | |||||||
As of March 2025, ipvzdelavanie.sk's Domain Rating is 4, reflecting a decrease of 0 point since the previous month. ipvzdelavanie.sk is linked by 42 websites, indicating an increase of 1 referring sites from the previous month.
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