Český sportovní web, který se zaměřuje na MMA. Najdete zde zprávy, rozhovory a analýzy ze soutěží jako UFC, Oktagon, Rizin, Bellator, ONE či XFN
Rank by traffic
In March 2025, fights.cz saw an increase in search traffic, reaching 25K visits, which is an increase of 2.8K visits compared to the previous month. The traffic value decreased to 1.2K, a reduction of 64.
For fights.cz, Czech Republic dominates traffic with 24K visits, an increase of 2.8K from the previous month, making up 96.8% of the total traffic.
Location | Traffic | Share | |||||||
24K | +2.8K | 96.8% | |||||||
631 | +10 | 2.4% | |||||||
57 | +38 | 0.2% | |||||||
29 | −9 | 0.1% | |||||||
27 | +22 | 0.1% | |||||||
fights.cz ranks #1 for "clash of the stars 8" in Czech Republic and receives 1.3K monthly visits from this keyword alone, an increase of 1.3K from the previous month.
Keyword | Volume | Traffic | Position | ||||||
clash of the stars 8 | 106K | +106K | 1.3K | +1.3K | 13 | ||||
leo brichta | 10K | 1.0K | +191 | 4 → 3 | |||||
alex pereira | 9.1K | +1.4K | 851 | +240 | 6 → 4 | ||||
oktagon 58 | 13K | +12K | 657 | +657 | 23 → 7 | ||||
tadeáš růžička | 9.9K | +4.4K | 626 | +482 | 11 → 7 | ||||
sherdog.com, top-fight.cz and mmashorties.cz rank in the top 10 organic search results for the same keywords that fights.cz gets the most traffic from. Discover more competitors of fights.cz.
Website | Traffic | Pages | |||||||
sherdog.com | 2.2M | 8.3K | |||||||
top-fight.cz | 22K | 2.2K | |||||||
mmashorties.cz | 22K | 1.9K | |||||||
tapology.com | 3.1M | 2.8K | |||||||
fight-live.cz | 21K | 1.1K | |||||||
As of March 2025, fights.cz's Domain Rating is 30, reflecting an increase of 1 point since the previous month. fights.cz is linked by 702 websites, indicating an increase of 17 referring sites from the previous month.
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