
Extra.com is a comprehensive online platform that offers a wide range of products and services to cater to various needs. From electronics and appliances to fashion and beauty, Extra.com has it all. With a user-friendly interface and secure payment options, shopping on Extra.com is convenient and hassle-free. Explore the extensive collection of top brands and find the perfect item to suit your style and preferences. Whether you are looking for the latest gadgets, trendy clothing, or home essentials, Extra.com has got you covered. Shop with confidence and enjoy the convenience of online shopping at Extra.com. Extra.com is a leading online retailer that specializes in providing high-quality electronics and appliances. With a vast selection of products from renowned brands, Extra.com offers a one-stop solution for all your tech needs. Whether you are looking for a new smartphone, a sleek laptop, or a state-of-the-art home theater system, Extra.com has it all. With competitive prices and reliable customer service, Extra.com ensures a seamless shopping experience. Browse through the extensive range of products, read customer reviews, and make an informed decision before making your purchase. Experience the convenience of online shopping for electronics at Extra.com. Extra.com is your ultimate destination for fashion and beauty. Discover the latest trends, shop for stylish clothing, and find the perfect accessories to complete your look. From casual wear to formal attire, Extra.com offers a diverse range of fashion options for men, women, and children. Whether you are looking for a chic dress, a trendy pair of shoes, or fashionable accessories, Extra.com has something for everyone. Additionally, explore the beauty section to find skincare, haircare, and makeup products from top brands. With easy navigation and secure payment options, Extra.com makes shopping for fashion and beauty a breeze. Extra.com is a reliable online marketplace that offers a wide range of home essentials and appliances. Whether you are moving into a new home or looking to upgrade your current setup, Extra.com has everything you need to create a comfortable and functional living space. From furniture and home decor to kitchen appliances and cleaning supplies, Extra.com has a vast selection of products to suit every style and budget. With detailed product descriptions and customer reviews, you can make informed decisions and find the perfect items for your home. Enjoy the convenience of shopping for home essentials online at Extra.com.

Пошуковий трафік домену extra.com

October 2024

In October 2024, extra.com saw an increase in search traffic, reaching 1.6M visits, which is an increase of 165K visits compared to the previous month. The traffic value increased to 195K, a growth of 29K.

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Трафік домену extra.com за розташуванням

For extra.com, Saudi Arabia dominates traffic with 1.4M visits, an increase of 153K from the previous month, making up 87.2% of the total traffic.




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Топ ключових слів для домену extra.com

Saudi Arabia

extra.com ranks #1 for "اكسترا" in Saudi Arabia and receives 307K monthly visits from this keyword alone, a decrease of 112K from the previous month.

Ключове слово








ايفون 15132K1.0K18K1.0K


extra store22K3.0K14K10K


سوني 538K+6.0K13K+9.8K



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Профіль беклінків домену extra.com

October 2024

Станом на October 2024 рейтинг домену extra.com – 71.. extra.com is linked by 32K websites, що вказує на зниження на 418 сайтів, що посилаються, проти попереднього місяця..

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