Florida International University

Florida International University is a vibrant, student-centered public research university located in Miami, Florida. With a diverse student body representing over 140 countries, FIU offers a wide range of academic programs across various disciplines. From business and engineering to arts and sciences, FIU provides students with the opportunity to pursue their passions and achieve their educational goals. With state-of-the-art facilities, dedicated faculty, and a supportive learning environment, FIU is committed to providing a high-quality education that prepares students for success in their chosen careers. Whether you are a prospective student, current student, or alumni, the FIU website offers a wealth of information and resources to help you navigate your academic journey and stay connected with the FIU community.

At FIU, research and innovation are at the forefront of academic excellence. With a strong emphasis on interdisciplinary collaboration, FIU researchers are tackling some of the world's most pressing challenges. From finding solutions to climate change and developing new medical treatments to exploring the depths of space and advancing technology, FIU is making significant contributions to the global knowledge base. Through its research centers and institutes, FIU provides a platform for faculty and students to engage in groundbreaking research and make a positive impact on society.

As a leading institution of higher education, FIU is dedicated to community engagement and service. Through its partnerships with local organizations and initiatives, FIU is actively involved in addressing the needs of the surrounding community. From volunteering and community service programs to internships and experiential learning opportunities, FIU students have the chance to make a difference and gain valuable real-world experience. The FIU website provides information on these community engagement initiatives and how students can get involved, further enhancing their educational experience and fostering a sense of social responsibility.

With its vibrant campus life and diverse student organizations, FIU offers a rich and inclusive community for students to thrive in. From cultural clubs and sports teams to academic and professional organizations, there are countless opportunities for students to get involved and connect with like-minded individuals. The FIU website provides a comprehensive directory of student organizations and resources to help students navigate campus life and make the most of their college experience. Whether it's joining a club, attending a campus event, or participating in leadership development programs, FIU offers a supportive and engaging environment for students to grow personally and professionally.

In conclusion, the FIU website serves as a valuable resource for prospective and current students, alumni, and the wider community. With its commitment to academic excellence, research innovation, community engagement, and student success, FIU continues to make a positive impact locally and globally. Whether you are seeking information on academic programs, research opportunities, community engagement initiatives, or campus life, the FIU website provides a wealth of information and resources to help you navigate your FIU journey and stay connected with the FIU community.

Search Traffic for fiu.edu

October 2024

In October 2024, fiu.edu saw an increase in search traffic, reaching 940K visits, which is an increase of 511K visits compared to the previous month. The traffic value decreased to 381K, a reduction of 31K.

Traffic value

Traffic by location for fiu.edu

For fiu.edu, United States dominates traffic with 365K visits, an increase of 26K from the previous month, making up 38.8% of the total traffic.




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Top keywords for fiu.edu

United States

fiu.edu ranks #1 for "fiu canvas" in United States and receives 33K monthly visits from this keyword alone, a decrease of 9.1K from the previous month.





fiu canvas32K9.0K33K9.1K




florida international university27K3.0K11K1.1K


fiu email7.5K+40010.0K+507


fiu login7.1K1.7K8.2K1.9K


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Backlink Profile of fiu.edu

October 2024

As of October 2024, fiu.edu's Domain Rating is 84. fiu.edu is linked by 49K websites, indicating an increase of 272 referring sites from the previous month.

Domain Rating
Linking websites

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