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Rank by traffic
In March 2025, muzlen.me saw a decrease in search traffic, reaching 10K visits, which is a decrease of 18K visits compared to the previous month. The traffic value decreased to 0, a reduction of 17.
For muzlen.me, Russian Federation dominates traffic with 7.5K visits, a decrease of 10K from the previous month, making up 74.5% of the total traffic.
Location | Traffic | Share | |||||||
7.5K | −10K | 74.5% | |||||||
1.2K | −3.4K | 12.2% | |||||||
639 | −2.9K | 6.3% | |||||||
420 | −1.2K | 4.1% | |||||||
162 | −297 | 1.6% | |||||||
я.ws, mp3.tj and lyrics-pesni.com rank in the top 10 organic search results for the same keywords that muzlen.me gets the most traffic from. Discover more competitors of muzlen.me.
Website | Traffic | Pages | |||||||
я.ws | 27K | 3.7K | |||||||
mp3.tj | 32K | 5.1K | |||||||
lyrics-pesni.com | 33K | 11K | |||||||
hitmos.pro | 69K | 14K | |||||||
mp3uk.net | 107K | 16K | |||||||
As of March 2025, muzlen.me's Domain Rating is 3, reflecting an increase of 0 point since the previous month. muzlen.me is linked by 56 websites, indicating an increase of 7 referring sites from the previous month.
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