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Rank by traffic
In March 2025, kuvalda.ru saw a decrease in search traffic, reaching 93K visits, which is a decrease of 12K visits compared to the previous month. The traffic value decreased to 151, a reduction of 22.
For kuvalda.ru, Russian Federation dominates traffic with 90K visits, a decrease of 12K from the previous month, making up 96.2% of the total traffic.
Location | TrafficTraffic | ShareShare | |||||||
90K | −12K | 96.2% | |||||||
1.6K | −87 | 1.6% | |||||||
373 | 0.3% | ||||||||
328 | +38 | 0.3% | |||||||
276 | +51 | 0.2% | |||||||
kuvalda.ru ranks #1 for "бетономешалка" in Russian Federation and receives 954 monthly visits from this keyword alone, an increase of 482 from the previous month.
Keyword | VolumeVolume | TrafficTraffic | PositionPosition | ||||||
бетономешалка | 7.2K | −300 | 954 | +482 | 6 → 4 | ||||
кувалда | 2.5K | −400 | 905 | −136 | 1 | ||||
джамбо кувалда | 2.7K | 749 | +353 | 5 → 2 | |||||
триммер для травы | 4.9K | −3.1K | 730 | +418 | 8 → 3 | ||||
шуруповерт | 14K | 655 | −932 | 3 → 7 | |||||
220-volt.ru, mircli.ru and lemanapro.ru rank in the top 10 organic search results for the same keywords that kuvalda.ru gets the most traffic from. Discover more competitors of kuvalda.ru.
Website | TrafficTraffic | PagesPages | |||||||
220-volt.ru | 68K | 1.5K | |||||||
mircli.ru | 45K | 890 | |||||||
lemanapro.ru | 442K | 2.9K | |||||||
vseinstrumenti.ru | 3.4M | 22K | |||||||
megamarket.ru | 2.4M | 24K | |||||||
As of March 2025, kuvalda.ru's Domain Rating is 56, reflecting an increase of 1 point since the previous month. kuvalda.ru is linked by 2.6K websites, indicating an increase of 176 referring sites from the previous month.
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