Explicit content
5movierulz.tel is your ultimate destination for streaming the latest movies and TV shows online. With a vast selection of genre categories, you can easily find popular titles, hidden gems, and timeless classics all in one place. The user-friendly interface ensures seamless navigation, allowing you to dive straight into your favorite films without any hassle. Stay updated with the newest releases and enjoy high-quality streaming from the comfort of your own home. Whether you're in the mood for action, romance, or thriller, 5movierulz.tel has something for everyone, making it a must-visit site for all movie enthusiasts.
Rank by traffic
In March 2025, 5movierulz.tel has 996K visits. The traffic value increased to 305K, a growth of 305K.
Location | Traffic | Share | |||||||
806K | 81.0% | ||||||||
65K | 6.5% | ||||||||
32K | 3.3% | ||||||||
25K | 2.6% | ||||||||
8.5K | 0.8% | ||||||||
As of March 2025, 5movierulz.tel's Domain Rating is 28, reflecting an increase of 28 points since the previous month. 5movierulz.tel is linked by 45 websites, indicating an increase of 43 referring sites from the previous month.
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