Free AI Image Alt Text Generator

Generiere mühelos beschreibende Alt-Texte für deine Bilder mit unserem KI-gestützten Tool. Verbessere Barrierefreiheit und SEO ohne Aufwand.

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Was ist der Alt-Text von Bildern?

Image alt text, often referred to simply as "alt text," is a descriptive attribute added to HTML code to provide a textual description of an image on a web page. Alt text serves two primary purposes: accessibility and SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

  • Accessibility. Alt text is vital for making web content accessible to individuals with visual impairments or those who use screen readers. When an image has alt text, the screen reader reads the text aloud, enabling users to understand the image's content and context. Alt text ensures that people who cannot see the image can still comprehend the information it conveys, making websites more inclusive.
  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Alt text also plays a role in optimizing web content for search engines. Search engines like Google cannot interpret images like humans can. Alt text provides a textual description that helps search engines understand the image's content. When images have relevant and descriptive alt text, they can be indexed and appear in image search results, improving the website's overall visibility and potentially driving more organic traffic.

In essence, image alt text serves as a bridge between the visual content of images and the digital interpretation required by accessibility tools and search engines. Writing informative and concise alt text is essential to provide equal access to information and enhance a website's accessibility and SEO efforts.

Die Technologie hinter dem Image Alt Text Generator von Ahrefs

Ahrefs Image Alt Text Generator verwendet ein Sprachmodell, das Muster, Grammatik und Vokabular aus großen Mengen von Textdaten lernt – und dann dieses Wissen nutzt, um menschenähnlichen Text basierend auf einer gegebenen Aufforderung oder Eingabe zu generieren. Der generierte Text kombiniert sowohl die vom Modell gelernten Informationen als auch sein Verständnis der Eingabe.

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