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Filter by SEO and social metrics to identify proven ideas for your next marketing campaign.
Analyze any page’s organic traffic, backlinks, keyword rankings, and social shares over time.
Lots and lots of highly actionable use cases.
Content Explorer’s versatility is what makes it so powerful. Mix and match filters to find and analyze all kinds of opportunities for your website. Here are just a few use cases to get you started.
Search for pages that get lots of organic traffic without many (or any) backlinks.
Search for niche relevant websites to pitch a guest contribution.
Get inspired by content that's already earned lots of backlinks.
Keep an eye on your competitors’ publishing frequency so you don’t get outpaced.
Search for websites that mention your brand but aren't linking to you.
Get inspired by content with the most social shares.
Reveal dead pages with backlinks by filtering for broken pages with lots of referring domains.
Content Explorer is the only SEO tool with a searchable database of 404 pages.
Learn more use cases with our free training videos.
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