Site Audit

Effectuez un audit SEO complet de votre site Web

Identifiez, hiérarchisez et corrigez plus de 170 problèmes techniques et de SEO sur page. Gardez votre site Web en parfait état pour les utilisateurs et les moteurs de recherche.

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Site Audit explore toutes les pages de votre site Web. Il signale tous les problèmes techniques et SEO sur la page possibles, fournit des recommandations sur la façon de les résoudre, visualise les données clés dans un graphique et délivre un score global de santé SEO.
Analyse de plus de 170 problèmes Regroupés par principales catégories techniques de SEO.
Pages lentes
Éléments essentiels du Web
CSS ou HTML lourd
Balises H1
Mots-clés sociaux
Plans de site
Données structurées
Pages lentes
Éléments essentiels du Web
CSS ou HTML lourd
Balises H1
Mots-clés sociaux
Plans de site
Données structurées
Donne des instructions claires sur la façon de résoudre les problèmes.
D'une rapidité fulgurante. Jusqu'à 170 000 URL explorées chaque minute.
Exécute JavaScript.
Visualise les données avec des tableaux et des graphiques. Pour la distribution de l'indexabilité, la vitesse de chargement des pages, les doublons, etc.
Toutes les principales catégories de SEO sont couvertes. Site Audit regroupe automatiquement les problèmes par type et fournit des instructions claires sur la façon de les résoudre.
Donnez du sens aux données à l'aide de tableaux et de graphiques pour la distribution d'indexabilité, la vitesse de chargement des pages, les doublons, etc.
Crawl history chart in Ahrefs’ Site AuditCrawl status of links found in Ahrefs’ Site AuditCrawled URLs distribution pie chart in Ahrefs’ Site AuditCRuX performance history chart in Ahrefs’ Site AuditDuplicate pages chart in Ahrefs’ Site AuditHealth Score in Ahrefs’ Site AuditHTTP status code distribution chart in Ahrefs’ Site AuditHTTP status code distribution chart in Ahrefs’ Site AuditImage subtype distribution pie chart in Ahrefs’ Site AuditLighthouse score history chart in Ahrefs’ Site AuditLinks by destination status codes in Ahrefs’ Site AuditLink type distribution chart in Ahrefs’ Site Audit

Découvrez les problèmes critiques de SEO et les opportunités cachées. Scannez votre site web pour détecter plus de 170 problèmes techniques et de référencement sur la page afin d'obtenir une analyse complète de votre site web.

Site Audit segments issues into errors, warnings, and notices, so you know which ones to fix first. You can also adjust their importance for ongoing projects.
And preserve link authority. Find temporary and permanent redirects, spot redirect loops, and understand the distribution of the destination status codes.
Be it title tags, meta descriptions, headings, or low-quality content pages.
Measure the CRuX and Lighthouse performance metrics of your pages to see which ones are slowing down your website.
On auto-pilot. Save time by knowing which page to link from, which page to link to, along with the ranking keyword and its context.
Once your crawl is done, download the entire list of issues in a ZIP or CSV file to fix them or send it to your developers—fixing instructions included.

Fix issues by priority

Site Audit segments issues into errors, warnings, and notices, so you know which ones to fix first. You can also adjust their importance for ongoing projects.

Monitor redirects

And preserve link authority. Find temporary and permanent redirects, spot redirect loops, and understand the distribution of the destination status codes.

Find duplicate content

Be it title tags, meta descriptions, headings, or low-quality content pages.

Optimize pages for speed

Measure the CRuX and Lighthouse performance metrics of your pages to see which ones are slowing down your website.

Get internal linking suggestions

On auto-pilot. Save time by knowing which page to link from, which page to link to, along with the ranking keyword and its context.

Export all issues in bulk

Once your crawl is done, download the entire list of issues in a ZIP or CSV file to fix them or send it to your developers—fixing instructions included.

Vous avez besoin de fonctionnalités plus avancées ? Zoomez sur des domaines techniques SEO spécifiques liés à l'exploration, au SEO international, au balisage, à l'architecture du site et au fichier robots.txt.

Go deeper than predefined issues with Page explorer & Link explorer. Both tools put you in full control of over 250+ different data points on each of your pages.
Troubleshoot SEO issues at a glance, with all the info about a URL in one place: content fields, inlinks/outlinks, hreflang, structured data, and duplicates.
No need to configure a custom search before the crawl. You can do all kinds of searches in real-time and compare code or text changes in-between crawls.
Know how to correctly specify the language and geographical targeting of a page and diagnose mislabeled ones at a glance.
Check your content against 190+ Google and validation requirements to increase your reach.
Increase the crawl speed, enable JavaScript rendering, customize the crawl depth, you name it. You have absolute control over your crawl.
Increase the crawl speed, enable JavaScript rendering, customize the crawl depth, you name it. You have absolute control over how you want your crawl to unfold.
Connect to Looker Studio, PageSpeed Insights API, and Google Search Console to get greater insights on your chosen data points.
Before they go live. Just add your credentials and we’ll take care of the rest. Make sure no SEO errors reach production!
Stay on top of Google’s mobile-first indexing. Choose to crawl the mobile version of your website by selecting our preconfigured mobile user agent.
Isolate issues related to a specific section of a website, like a subdomain or a subfolder. Segment it, save it, then return to it in just a few clicks.
Check if robots.txt timed out or blocked URLs. Also, verify if a URL was in the sitemap or if AhrefsSiteAuditBot couldn’t parse it.

Slice and dice through crawled data

Go deeper than predefined issues with Page explorer & Link explorer. Both tools put you in full control of over 250+ different data points on each of your pages.

Rely on the industry’s most complete URL details panel

Troubleshoot SEO issues at a glance, with all the info about a URL in one place: content fields, inlinks/outlinks, hreflang, structured data, and duplicates.

Search the raw HTML, rendered HTML, and text of a crawled page

No need to configure a custom search before the crawl. You can do all kinds of searches in real-time and compare code or text changes in-between crawls.

Visualize hreflang issues in a network graph

Know how to correctly specify the language and geographical targeting of a page and diagnose mislabeled ones at a glance.

Rank in rich results with structured data

Check your content against 190+ Google and validation requirements to increase your reach.

Configure your crawl with granular settings

Increase the crawl speed, enable JavaScript rendering, customize the crawl depth, you name it. You have absolute control over your crawl.

Configure your crawl with granular settings

Increase the crawl speed, enable JavaScript rendering, customize the crawl depth, you name it. You have absolute control over how you want your crawl to unfold.

Integrate with Looker Studio, PSI, and GSC/GA (soon)

Connect to Looker Studio, PageSpeed Insights API, and Google Search Console to get greater insights on your chosen data points.

Crawl staging and restricted websites

Before they go live. Just add your credentials and we’ll take care of the rest. Make sure no SEO errors reach production!

Crawl mobile websites

Stay on top of Google’s mobile-first indexing. Choose to crawl the mobile version of your website by selecting our preconfigured mobile user agent.

Segment crawls

Isolate issues related to a specific section of a website, like a subdomain or a subfolder. Segment it, save it, then return to it in just a few clicks.

Review robots.txt and sitemaps

Check if robots.txt timed out or blocked URLs. Also, verify if a URL was in the sitemap or if AhrefsSiteAuditBot couldn’t parse it.
Bientôt disponible

Audit permanent. Site Audit explore votre site Web 24h/24 et 7j/7 pour détecter et signaler les problèmes le plus rapidement possible.

Identify issues on auto-pilot and get real-time alerts.
Request an on-demand crawl, which is faster when paired with constant crawling.

Constant crawling

Identify issues on auto-pilot and get real-time alerts.

Fast site audits

Request an on-demand crawl, which is faster when paired with constant crawling.

Bientôt disponible

Correctifs. Résolvez les problèmes simples sur votre site Web en un seul clic directement dans Site Audit. Nous nous occupons de tout le backend pour que vous puissiez vous concentrer sur la situation dans son ensemble.

Select an issue field, write the correct input, and patch it on the spot. No developer needed.
Redirect or replace multiple pages with a different URL.

Page-level patch

Select an issue field, write the correct input, and patch it on the spot. No developer needed.

Site-wide patch

Redirect or replace multiple pages with a different URL.