Top Amazon Searches

Top Amazon Searches

Joshua Hardwick
Head of Content @ Ahrefs (or, in plain English, I'm the guy responsible for ensuring that every blog post we publish is EPIC).
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Are you curious as to which products get the most searches on Amazon? Today is your lucky day.

In this post, I’m going to share the following new pieces of data with you:

But first, a quick suggestion for those doing Amazon keyword research:

You can see Amazon search volume data for 152 million keywords in Ahrefs’ Keywords Explorer.

Here are the top searches on Google, Bing, and YouTube—in case you missed them. 

Now, it’s data time!

Right away, you can see that searches for gadgets dominate this list—laptops, bluetooth speakers, smartwatches, SSDs, gaming controllers and so on.

So much so, that 50% of searches are for gadgets.

That’s excluding searches for iPhone accessories too, of which there are many.

Here are the most popular ones:

Speaking of iPhone accessories, there are ~550,000 monthly searches for “Bluetooth headphones,” which makes it the 14th most popular product search on our list. That’s no doubt down to Apple (and other phone manufacturers) removing headphone jacks in recent years.

There are a further ~316,000 searches for “wireless headphones,” and ~350,000 for “Bluetooth earbuds.”

Amazon also seems to be a popular place to purchase games consoles and games.

The Nintendo Switch tops the list with 1.26M monthly searches, followed by the PS4 with ~454,000.

Gaming mice and chairs are popular too, with ~822,000 combined monthly searches.

But what else is popular on Amazon besides gadgets and games?

Well, there are still a fair few searches for “books” (~246,000) which, of course, is what started this whole thing for Amazon back in the ’90s. But it looks as though most people prefer to do their reading on electronic devices these days as there are~582,000 searches for “kindle.”

The Kindle isn’t the only one of Amazon’s branded devices that’s popular either—their Fire Stick and Echo products get hundreds of thousands of combined monthly searches.

Other than that, there are lots of searches for everyday essentials and other “basic” items:

Oh, and one non-physical product made it to the list too: “prime video” (~272,000 monthly searches).

Is Amazon catching up with Netflix? Maybe.

Either way, one thing is for sure: Amazon is genuinely an everything store. It’s no longer just about books.

Now let’s see the most popular Amazon searches in the US compared to the rest of the World.

It looks like the Nintendo Switch is just as popular elsewhere as in the United States.

Furthermore, “switch” is at #14 with ~1.23M monthly searches.

So, I think it’s fair to say that people are lovin’ the Switch!

It’s a similar story for iPhones.

Here are the top iPhone searches (and their respective volumes):

Interestingly, while there are hundreds of thousands of searches for older models like the iPhone 7 and 8 around the world, these phones didn’t even make it to the top 100 searches in the US.

There are also lots of searches for other non-Apple smartphones on this list whereas there were no such searches on the US list.

Here are just a couple of them:

However, one of the noticeable differences with the US data is the comparable lack of searches for everyday essentials (toilet paper, paper towels, etc.)

For example, although “toilet paper” does still make it into the top 100 Worldwide searches (#52), you’ll notice that the search volume is ~575,000. That’s only ~56,000 higher than the US-only volume, meaning that 90.25% of searches for “toilet paper” come from the US.

Perhaps Amazon hasn’t yet made the push into this market outside the US?

See more Amazon search data in Keywords Explorer

Do you want to know the number of searches for a specific query on Amazon?

Go to Ahrefs’ Keywords Explorer, enter a query and select Amazon as your search engine.

Let’s see how many people search for “bellroy” each month in the US.

4.7K searches. That’s a lot of people with great taste in wallets!

It also looks like Bellroy is popular in Japan, Germany, the UK, Canada, and Australia.

But wait, there’s more!

Using one of the reports on the left-hand menu, it’s possible to dig deeper and see the other queries people are making on Amazon in relation to this topic.

Looks like a lot of people want to buy the note sleeve!

Fancy learning more about the searches people are making on Amazon? Try our free Keyword Generator tool.

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