[Tradera - Köp & sälj begagnat & second hand online, Tradera - Köp och sälj begagnat & second hand online]

Tradera.com is an online marketplace that connects buyers and sellers, offering a wide range of products and services. Whether you're looking for electronics, fashion, home decor, or even cars, Tradera.com has it all. With a user-friendly interface and secure payment options, you can shop with confidence and find great deals from trusted sellers. Join the Tradera community and start buying or selling today! Tradera.com is a platform where you can sell your unwanted items and make some extra cash. Simply create an account, list your items, and wait for interested buyers to make offers. With a large user base and various categories to choose from, Tradera.com makes it easy to reach a wide audience and sell your items quickly. Whether you're decluttering your home or starting a small business, Tradera.com is the perfect place to turn your unwanted items into cash. Tradera.com offers a convenient and secure way to shop for second-hand items. With a focus on sustainability and reducing waste, Tradera.com encourages the reuse and recycling of goods. Browse through a wide selection of pre-loved items, from clothing and accessories to furniture and electronics. By shopping on Tradera.com, you not only save money but also contribute to a more sustainable future. Join the community of eco-conscious shoppers and start exploring the treasures waiting to be discovered on Tradera.com. Tradera.com is a trusted platform for collectors and enthusiasts to find rare and unique items. Whether you're a stamp collector, a vintage car enthusiast, or a sports memorabilia fan, Tradera.com has a dedicated category for you. Discover hidden gems and connect with sellers who share your passion. With a reputation for authenticity and a secure payment system, Tradera.com is the go-to destination for collectors looking to expand their collections. Start your search for that elusive item on Tradera.com today. Tradera.com is not an adult or explicit content website.

Search Traffic for tradera.com

May 2024

In May 2024, tradera.com saw a decrease in search traffic, reaching 1.2M visits, which is a decrease of 113K visits compared to the previous month. The traffic value decreased to 214K, a reduction of 21K.

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Traffic by location for tradera.com

For tradera.com, Sweden dominates traffic with 1.1M visits, a decrease of 111K from the previous month, making up 95.2% of the total traffic.




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Backlink Profile of tradera.com

May 2024

As of May 2024, tradera.com's Domain Rating is 78. tradera.com is linked by 13.4K websites, indicating an increase of 110 referring sites from the previous month.

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