What Can You Do With Ahrefs’ SEO Toolbar?

Nick Churick
Nick is one of our Product Marketers and coincidentally he's also a pretty skilled writer. So there you have it - he's now a regular contributor to our blog.
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Ahrefs’ SEO Toolbar is a free extension for Chrome, Firefox and Safari. It combines multiple tools for on-page SEO checks and SERP enhancement and can easily replace three to five other extensions you may be using now.

Here’s how our extension can help you:

1. Check the most important on-page SEO data

Analyze the on-page SEO elements of any page and find potential issues. The on-page report has several sections:

The “Content” section covers these:

  • Title and description (including JS rendered) and their character lengths
  • Subheaders structure (H1–H6)
  • Page word count
  • Published and modified dates
Content section in Ahrefs' SEO Toolbar

The “Indexability” section contains these:

  • Canonical URL check
  • Pagewide noindex/nofollow directives for crawlers (in meta tags and HTTP headers)
  • Hreflang links
  • Sitemaps and robots.txt files
Indexability section in Ahrefs' SEO Toolbar

The “Social” section shows the following:

  • Open graph tags
  • Twitter cards
Social section in Ahrefs' SEO Toolbar

The “Images” section covers these:

  • Alt texts
  • Titles
Image section in Ahrefs' SEO Toolbar

Access the on-page report in the SEO Toolbar by clicking on the extension icon or using the keyboard shortcut:

  • Cmd+Ctrl+S (MacOS)
  • Alt+S (Windows)

You can edit this shortcut in the settings menu if you need.

2. Trace redirect paths and read HTTP headers easily

See if you have reached the destination page via a redirect and trace the entire redirect chain, including JS redirects.

For your own website, you can check if the redirection was implemented properly and that the right method was used.

HTTP headers section in Ahrefs' SEO Toolbar

This tool also allows you to read HTTP headers of the URL easily, which may be challenging for casual browser users. 

For example, HTTP headers can include noindex and nofollow instructions, canonicals, and hreflang links, which you won’t find in the page source code.

X-Robots-Tag showing "noindex" via Ahrefs' SEO Toolbar

3. Check search rankings in other countries

Whether you own a multiregional website or do international SEO, you’ll need to check search results in different countries.

Ahrefs’ SEO Toolbar allows you to do just that easily. You won’t need any additional tools (such as a VPN) for that.

Select the country, language, and Google domain from the menu that the extension adds to the SERP and click on the orange search button.

Search location simulation using Ahrefs' SEO Toolbar

4. Identify various types of links on pages

Our SEO Toolbar makes it easy to identify different outgoing links on a page:

The “Links” tab lists all the links on the page (including JS-generated links) with a handy set of filters.

Click the “Check Status” button to detect broken and redirecting links.

The “Highlight” button marks the links on a page with yellow—based on your filters.

Checking outgoing links in Ahrefs' SEO Toolbar

This should also help you with broken link building.

5. Save URLs to a list

Save URLs from all opened tabs or organic ranking results from the SERP in just one click.

If you have a paid subscription, you can send your list’s 10 most recent URLs to Ahrefs’ Content Gap or Link Intersect tools.

List of saved URLs in Ahrefs' SEO Toolbar

6. Get page and domain SEO metrics while browsing (for paid users, not available in Safari)

Get quick access to the most important SEO metrics of the website/page that you visit.

You can click the number on the metrics bar, and it’ll take you to the relevant report in Ahrefs.

Toggle the metrics bar with a keyboard shortcut:

  • Cmd+Ctr+A (MacOS)
  • Alt+A (Windows)

You can edit this shortcut in the settings if you need.

Page metrics shown by Ahrefs' SEO Toolbar

7. View SEO metrics directly on SERPs (for paid users, not available in Safari)

Our SEO Toolbar enhances Google’s SERPs with SEO metrics for the organic search results. Besides, it will show you the keyword metrics for your search query below the search box.

SERP metrics shown by Ahrefs' SEO Toolbar

It also works in combination with the local search simulator mentioned above.

You can export all organic search results, along with their Ahrefs metrics, into a CSV file.

Button to export organic search results on a Google SERP
Article Performance
Data from Ahrefs
  • Organic traffic
  • Linking websites

The number of websites linking to this post.

This post's estimated monthly organic search traffic.