Let’s get right into it.
Redirect chains in export files
We’ve added redirect chains to export files. So now when you export a backlinks report, you’ll see redirect chain URLs in your files.

Pages 2.0 report
Pages 2.0 shows you all the URLs ranking for your tracked keywords, plus important metrics for them. New additions include:
- Traffic value numbers
- SERP titles
- Historical data
- New filters to zoom in on data

One thing you can do with Pages 2.0 that the original can’t is find the pages with the biggest improvement in organic traffic for your tracked keywords over a specific period of time.
- Select your dates for comparison
- Sort by the change in organic traffic column

New filters in GSC keywords
We’ve added three new filters in the GSC keywords report.
You can now filter by:
- Keyword
- Top URL
- Not tracked only
The “Not tracked only” toggle lets you see keywords you’re not tracking in the current project. This is useful for spotting any promising keywords that you previously missed out on.

New filters in GSC pages
The GSC pages report also has new filters. You can now filter by:
- Page clicks
- Impressions
- Average position

This lets you really dig into performance. For example, comparing year-on-year traffic where clicks have declined can help you identify pages with potential content decay. Just:
- Select Compare year over year
- Click More filters > Clicks > Declined and apply

Experimental AI Content Grader tool
We’ve launched something exciting for Enterprise plan users – it’s in a VERY beta stage right now, but we’re going to tease it anyway 😉
Introducing our experimental AI Content Grader tool.
Just enter your URL and its target keyword, and Content Grader will:
- Take the top 3 articles ranking for that keyword and identify the core topics covered in those articles
- Analyze how well your article and the top articles cover each topic
- Identify the topics that your article has lower scores for
- Show suggestions on how to improve your content to get better results

This tool is still in development, so expect more updates along the way.
New APIv3 endpoint: Health Score
We’ve added our first Site Audit APIv3 endpoint for Health Scores.
It returns a list of workspace projects with the Health Score of each project’s last completed crawl, so you can monitor drops and improvements in their Health Scores programmatically.
Requests to this endpoint are free.
That’s all for this month. Check out the Ahrefs changelog for more updates, and leave any feature requests on our Canny. Enjoy!