Batch AI in Site Audit, Competitive map in Report Builder, and more (Feb 2025)

Rebekah Bek
Developing content to help you understand, navigate, and love using Ahrefs.

This month’s highlights include traffic acquisition channels in Web Analytics, a chat function in AI Content Helper, competitive maps in Report Builder, a batch AI function in Site Audit, and more.

Let’s get right into it. 

Group traffic sources by acquisition channel

See which channels are bringing you the most traffic: Search, Direct, LLM, Email, Newsletter, and so on.

The “Internal” channel refers to traffic coming from the target project itself.

Go deeper from here – if you want to see how often your page is mentioned in specific chatbots, just click on the channel “LLM” to apply that filter, then toggle to Sources. This will show you a list of chatbots you’re mentioned in, and how many visitors came from each one.

Filter improvements

We’ve improved all the filters to let you:

  • See suggestions when typing in filter fields
  • Toggle between Any/All to combine OR/AND rules 
  • Click on any item in the results below to filter by it
  • Hold Option (⌥) or Alt (depending on OS) + click on an item to quickly exclude it from your results

Time zone selector

Use the time zone selector to change the time zone for more accuracy.

Improved regional comparing

Select Continents in the Geography widget to compare traffic between North America vs Europe, for example.

Expand widgets

Click on View More in any widget to expand it and see more relevant metrics on top of visitor stats.

Chat function 

Improve your content for both humans and search engines – just open a chat and ask AI to identify weak points in your content, brainstorm ideas, refine your article structure, and more.

Teaser: some big features are in the works, like inline suggestions you can apply with a click and collaborative editing!

Competitive map

See how your competitors stack up against you online with your own comprehensive competitive map. 

Just select your competitors and customize your comparison across three axes to build your map. Choose from key backlink, organic, and paid metrics.

Organic positions in Paid keywords report

Use the organic positions filter or column to find out if you’re running ads on keywords your website already ranks for organically. This helps you detect if you’re cannibalizing your own rankings and wasting advertising budget.

Batch AI

Remember the Ask AI feature in Site Audit issue reports that lets you generate titles and meta descriptions for pages? 

Now, you can scale that and do it for multiple pages at once. Just look for the Batch AI feature in your issue reports.

Available with: a Max project boost. You can batch up to 1K pages and 50K pages per project per month.

Locations in Overview report’s history chart

We’ve added a Locations mode that lets you track performance across different locations in your projects.

YoY performance in GSC Overview report

You can now assess your website’s year-over-year performance for both organic positions and pages. This helps to account for any variations caused by seasonal fluctuations.

That’s all for this month! Check out the Ahrefs changelog for more updates, and feel free to leave any feature requests on our Canny