SenS Online Solutions gains a competitive edge over other agencies with Ahrefs

Constance Tan
Constance is devoted to improving the value users get out of Ahrefs. She enjoys trying new things, and learning about the many ways software eats the world.
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SenS Online Solutions used Ahrefs to address a challenge for one automobile dealer client who just acquired a competitor’s marketplace website. They were looking to properly integrate both websites to maximize each websites’ strengths together.

They planned ahead so that the final combined website ended up with:

  • Improved content
  • Improved on-page SEO
  • More crawl-efficient website structure
  • Stronger internal linking
  • Improved backlink profile

SenS Online Solutions took the first 6 months to prepare the migration, while the migration itself happened in the 12 months after. After 18 months, the client’s website experienced an increase in ranking of over 16,000 organic keywords and a doubling of organic traffic.

Top pages report showing the automobile dealer doubling their organic traffic after 12 months
automobile dealer website sees a sharp increase in pages receiving organic traffic post migration

Ahrefs is like having a complete data analyst agency at your disposal 24/7, indispensable and incredibly valuable. Support, tooling, everything. We cannot work without it anymore.

Elwin Pereira
Elwin Pereira, Senior SEO specialist SenS Online Solutions
About SenS Online Solutions

SenS Online Solutions is a full-service online marketing agency based in the Netherlands that assists businesses of all sizes with online marketing queries. 

Problem: Using many SEO platforms held back their team’s performance

SenS Online Solutions were using Ahrefs for a while alongside various tools such as Semrush. But they started to take on more clients, and more complex projects. The process from getting SEO tasks done to reporting on their progress took many inefficient steps and was hurting the overall experience they could provide to their clients. 

“Most of our clients are not well versed in SEO, and the default reports from SEO tools are quite technical. This made it difficult for our clients to understand how their website is progressing. We attempted to add explanations to the default reports, but it only ended up causing more confusion or frustration for them”

Solution: Commit to one all-in-one platform that can keep pace with growing needs

SenS Online Solutions decided it was important to commit to one SEO platform with which they could do everything and serve their clients better. Their choice was finalized on Ahrefs because it offered completeness, accuracy in data, and the ability to establish various connections with other tools. 

1. Automating reports with Looker Studio Connectors

Ahrefs’ Looker Studio connectors helped SenS Online Solutions integrate Screaming Frog, Ahrefs, and GSC together to create a comprehensive SEO dashboard. This custom dashboard summarized how different aspects of their SEO efforts performed: keyword ranking, link building, and technical site audits. This was much more successful in helping clients understand how beneficial SEO is, and how their website was coming along. At the same time, it sped up the time to value for their clients and gave SenS Online Solutions a clear competitive edge over other marketing agencies.

Below is a snapshot from their custom SEO dashboards:

custom report made in looker studio by combining looker studio connectors from Ahrefs, GSC, screaming frog and more.

2. Onboard clients fast with exceptional support

Ahrefs’ support was very helpful and responded quickly, especially during the early stages when we needed help making sure the right accounts had the right integrations working. Both our personal account manager and the support team were really very helpful. Now, onboarding new clients has become very simple, our junior employees perform this effortlessly on a daily basis.”

Elwin Pereira
Elwin Pereira, Senior SEO specialist SenS Online Solutions

3. Uncover effective strategies with Competitive Analysis tools

Reilly explained that the Competitive analysis tools were key to finding the right strategy for each client. Were there quick wins based on low-hanging fruit keywords, or is the goal to steal market share from the competitor? To answer this, Sens Online Solutions used both Keywords Explorer to research for keyword opportunities and ran their client’s top 3 competitors through Compare Gap and Link Intersect. Both tools helped them find thousands of potential keywords to target, and links to build.

Build your competitive edge with Ahrefs:

Article Performance
Data from Ahrefs
  • Linking websites

The number of websites linking to this post.

This post's estimated monthly organic search traffic.