The 79 Best Marketing Articles of 2022 (So Far)

The 79 Best Marketing Articles of 2022 (So Far)

Joshua Hardwick
Head of Content @ Ahrefs (or, in plain English, I'm the guy responsible for ensuring that every blog post we publish is EPIC).
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Each week, we share articles our marketing team found interesting in our newsletter.

Here are all the ones we’ve shared in 2022 so far:

Expect these articles to have an SEO leaning as we’re an SEO tool with an SEO-savvy audience. 

SEO Case Study (On a Budget): From 0 to 75,000 Visits a Year

Learn how Ryan Durani grew a property site from zero to 300-400 clicks per day.

Marketing Myopia: What Is It? How Does It Affect Your Business?

Learn how Josh Barney suggests to avoid marketing myopia and focus on long-term growth.

How We Generated $250M of Lifetime Traffic Value (LTTV) in 2021

Learn the realities of managing inbound marketing for a large enterprise from Brian Casey

We Studied 81,000 Page Titles - Google Rewrote 61% of Them

Learn how often Google rewrites title tags and what to do about it from Cyrus Shepard.

Content Marketing Resources

Learn how to create better content with these handpicked resources from Jake Sheridan.

Outcome-Driven SEO Roadmaps

Learn how to construct your own SEO outcome roadmap with Adam Gent.

The Cheat Code to Freelancing Is Effective Communication

Learn how to convey value as a freelancer with Nick LeRoy.

Toxic Links: Here’s Why You Can Often Ignore Them

Learn why most so-called “toxic links” aren’t worth worrying about with Marie Haynes.

How to Write a Strong SEO Hypothesis

Learn the eight components of a good SEO hypothesis with Emily Potter.

The State of Link Building Report 2022

Learn how 270 SEOs approach link building in 2022 in this study from Paddy Moogan.

TIPR Lite: A Lighter Approach to Internal Link Optimization

Learn how to optimize a site’s internal links for SEO with Kevin Indig’s TIPR model.

For Omega and Swatch, the Rewards of Co-branding Could Be Astronomical

Learn why Mark Ritson thinks Omega’s collaboration with Swatch will benefit both brands.

Provable Marketing Attribution Is a Boondoggle; Trust Your Gut Instead

Learn why Rand Fishkin thinks you’ll get better marketing results by trusting your gut.

128 Digital PR and Content Tips From Spring Brighton SEO 2022

Learn how to improve your content game with Gemma Flinder’s curated tips from BrightonSEO.

Scammers Snatch up Expired Domains, Vexing Google

Learn how scammers take advantage of expired domains to make bank with Haje Jan Kamps.

5 Ways to Use the Wayback Machine for SEO

Learn how to uncover SEO insights using the Wayback Machine with Chris Long.

5 Key Lessons From Interviewing In-house SEOs on Working With Development Teams

Learn how to get things done based on 20+ hours of SEO interviews by Adam Gent

Enterprise SEO Buy-in: 7 Essential Tips for Winning the Long Game

Learn how to make allies and win support so you can do better work with Tessa Nadik.

Marketing in a Recession: How to Make Marketing Investments When the Economy Is Rough

Learn how to make better marketing investments in a recession with Mark Thomas.

99+ SEO Mistakes

Learn about the common SEO mistakes Olga Zarzeczna identified during her last 100 audits. 

How We Increased Traffic 110% by Reducing Content Cannibalization

Learn how Andy Chadwick used keyword clustering to find content to get rid of.

Google Author Rank: How Google Knows Which Content Belongs to Which Author?

Learn how Google knows which content belongs to which author with Koray Tuğberk GÜBÜR.

Poundland Has Made a Costly Ecommerce Mistake and Here’s Why

Learn how Luke Carthy thinks Poundland dropped the ball when migrating an acquisitions site.

Why 100% Indexing Isn’t Possible, and Why That’s OK

Learn why Dan Taylor believes 100% website indexing is impossible.

The SEO Skills Maturity Matrix

Learn how to advance your SEO career with Tom Critchlow’s SEO Skills Matrix.

Virtual Environment Optimization (VEO) Is Coming. Ready for It?

Learn if and when you should consider virtual environment optimization (VEO) with Taylor Kurtz.

The Winner Doesn’t Take It All: ‘Information Gain’ and the New Future of SEO

Learn how Google might identify content that brings new information to the table with Ryan Law.

Health Site SEO Case Study: 2 Million Clicks in 12 Months

Learn the SEO strategy that helped Ryan Darani take a health site to two million clicks in a year. 

Forecasting Web Traffic Using Google Analytics and Facebook Prophet

Learn how to forecast your website traffic with Dave Davies

Reason Number 5445131 Why Some SEOs Destroy the Reputation of SEO

Learn how a counterfeited press release earned high-authority backlinks with Gianluca Fiorelli.

Ultimate End-to-End Guide to Fuzzy Matching For SEOs (with Google Sheets Template)

Learn how to use machine learning for SEO with Lazarina Stoy.

6 Predictions About AI in Content Marketing

Learn how Ryan Law thinks AI could change content marketing.

Benchmarking the Performance of Over 2,000 Digital PR Pieces

Learn how to set realistic performance benchmarks for Digital PR pieces with Hannah Smith.

How Google Selects the Most Representative Image of a Set

Learn about Google’s patent for choosing images with Jean-Christophe Chouinard.

How to Work With Zero Search Volume Keywords: A Process for Finding & Leveraging Low to No-Volume SEO Keywords

Learn how and why zero-volume keywords are a big opportunity for SEOs with Tory Gray.

How to Use 12 Micro Intents for SEO and Content Journey Mapping

Learn how to create better content by analyzing SERPS for micro intent with Olaf Kopp.

SEO and Accessibility: 30+ Tips From Deaf and Disabled People

Learn how SEOs can positively impact website accessibility with Christina LeVasseur.

Why and How to Delete Content in Bulk for SEO

Learn how deleting content can make sense as part of an SEO strategy with Jared Bauman.

How to Set Up Performance Max Campaigns the Right Way

Learn how to set up Google Ads PMax campaigns for success with Menachem Ani.

We Signed Up for 50+ SaaS Companies. Here Are the Best Product-Led Growth Examples.

Learn what the best product-led growth companies have in common with Gina Allman.

5 Steps Amanda Natividad Took to 60x Her Audience in a Year (And Keep Growing It)

Learn how Amanda Natividad grew her Twitter following to 60K in a year with Grace Parazzoli.

Steal This Strategy: How to Write Like Animalz

Learn Animalz secret sauce when it comes to blogging from their VP of Marketing, Ryan Law.

8 Steps to a Successful Entity-First Strategy for SEO and Content

Learn how entity-first SEO can help you boost search visibility with Benu Aggarwal.

How to Find Emerging Keywords

Learn how to find keywords that will be popular in the next 3-6 months with Steve Toth.

How Google Uses Anchors in Ranking Search Results

Learn how anchors influence search engine rankings with Chris Long.

What SEOs Can Learn About Aligning With Consensus as Described in Google’s QRG

Learn why aligning your content with consensus is important with Marie Haynes

The Pageview Paradox: How Great Results Cause Poor Performance

Learn why trying to improve marketing metrics short term may be bad long term with Ryan Law

How to Reduce DNS Lookups to Speed Up Your WordPress Site

Learn how to make your WordPress website faster with Jay Kang.

How To Create Perfect Images For SEO With Dall-E 2

Learn how to use Dall-E 2 to add unique, quality images to your content with Vincent Terrasi.

Is This The End of Hero Content For Link Building?

Learn how you can make hero content work for your site with Giselle Navarro 

How to Do a Competitive Analysis for Local SEO

Learn how to identify your top local competitors on search engines with Harmony Huskinson

The Top 5 Soft Skills SEOs Should Develop

Learn which soft skills you need to progress in your SEO career with Petra Kis-Herczegh.

The By-No-Means-Definitive Keyword Size Showdown: GSC vs. Ahrefs vs. Semrush vs. Moz

Learn how Ahrefs wins when it comes to keyword coverage with Tylor Hermanson.

Ranking Search Results, Google patent by Navneet Panda

Learn what Jean-Christophe Chouinard learned from reading Google’s patent.

Regex for SEO: How to Use Regular Expressions (With Examples)

Learn how to use RegEx for SEO with Jean-Christophe Chouinard.

How Bots Corrupted Advertising

Learn how companies are paying to show ads to bots with Morgan Meaker.

The Web Almanac by HTTP Archive

Learn about the state of SEO in ’22 with Sophie Brannon, Itamar Blauer, and Mordy Oberstein.

Technical SEO Testing: How Googlebot Handles iFrames

Learn about what may lead Google to index the content inside an iFrame with Bastian Grimm.

How to Map SEO Outcomes

Learn everything you need to know about mapping SEO outcomes with Adam Gent

An Introduction to Integrator SEO Strategies

Learn about the aggregator and integrator SEO strategies with Kevin Indig.

How to Measure “Hard-to-Measure” Marketing Channels

Learn a framework for hard-to-measure marketing investments with Rand Fishkin.

Marketing Analytics: Attribution Is Not Incrementality

Learn why attribution and incrementality are not the same thing with Avinash Kaushik.

How Parabol Reached 150K Monthly Visits With Content Journalism

Learn how to grow traffic by mixing content marketing and brand journalism with Tim Metz.

SEO Salaries Study: The Shocking Truth!

Learn whether you’re being underpaid in your SEO job with Mark Preston

How to Avoid a Bad Podcast Experience for Your Guests

Learn from Kevin Indig’s experience being a guest on over 50 podcasts.

Everyone Wants to Be a Hot, Anxious Girl on Twitter

Learn why viral tweets may not be quite what they seem with Kaitlyn Tiffany.

Hustle Culture vs. Chill Work

Learn why slowing down might help you do less better with Rand Fishkin.

SEO Features vs. SEO Bugs

Learn the difference between an SEO feature and bug with Adam Gent

TikTok SEO: Understanding the TikTok Algorithm

Learn what ranking factors impact TikTok with Lidia Infante.

Marketing Through People

Learn how attention is moving away from companies and towards people with Kevin Indig

No Niche Is Ever Too Crowded for Fresh Thinking

Learn how fresh thinking is the key to success in saturated niches with Adam Singer.

What AI Can’t Write

Learn about the one realm of writing that perhaps AI can never take over with Nat Eliason.

AI Content Is Not the SEO Threat They Want You to Think It Is

Learn how using AI content might not negatively impact your search visibility with Michal King.

7 Takeaways From the SMX Next Keynote With Hyung-Jin Kim, VP Search at Google

Learn more about how Google search works with Lily Ray

9 Growth Ideas for Turning Twitter Back Around

Learn about Twitter’s three core growth problems with Kevin Indig

Survey Of 755 Link Builders Shows What Works In 2022 

Learn how folks are building links with Mark Webster

Biggest Challenges Facing SEO In 2023 [Survey Results]

Learn what SEOs are concerned about in the coming year with Matt G. Southern.

SEO Salaries 2022: Industry Growth & Many New SEO Professionals

Learn how much SEOs are earning locally and internationally with Roger Montti

The Art of Delegation, Part One: Teaching By Osmosis 

Learn how to teach someone through mere exposure with Gabriel Tupula.

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