What’s new at Ahrefs? (June 2023)

Rebekah Bek
Developing content to help you understand, navigate, and love using Ahrefs.
This month we’re introducing the new Referring domains calendar report, structured data in Site Audit, touching on changes to our search traffic estimations, and more.

Let’s get right into it.

Referring domains calendar

The new Referring domains calendar lets you visualize all the day-to-day changes for new and lost referring domains in a calendar format.

Referring domains calendar

For example, we had over a hundred new referring domains and lost 86 referring domains on the 5th of May.

Referring domains calendar – specific day

Click and drag on the calendar itself to select several dates at once, and scroll down to see a breakdown of the referring domains for the selected timeframe.

Referring domains calendar – table breakdown

Available on: New Standard plans and higher, or Legacy Advanced plans and higher.

Inspect column in link-related reports

This new Inspect column in all link-related reports in Site Explorer lets you compare changes before or after a link has been added or removed. Just click on the magnifying glass to see that link in the source code of a referring page.

Inspect column in Site Explorer's link-related reports

We’ve also added a new Page text tab in the Inspect panels that lets you view and compare the text content of a page to see how it changed over time.

Page text tab in Inspect panels

Like with the HTML tab, the orange dots next to each crawl date tell you when there were changes in the page text. With this, you can now track exactly how the text content of the page changed.

Use Page text tab to compare exactly how the text content of the page changed

Homepage links filter

You’ll now find this “Homepage links” filter in all backlinks-related reports in Site Explorer. Use it to either find backlinks from homepages, or exclude them from the report.

Homepage links filter in all Site Explorer's backlinks-related reports

Open in Overview 2.0 from SERP overview tables

From the SERP overview tables in Site Explorer and Keywords Explorer, you can now select multiple targets and click Open in Overview 2.0 to quickly compare results.

Open in Overview 2.0 from SERP overview tables

We’ve also added this function to the Organic competitors report, so you can now open competing domains and pages in Overview 2.0, Content gap, and Link intersect.

Open in function in Organic competitors report

Structured data in URL details

Look for the new Structured data section in URL details to see structured data found on the page. We also now flag validation errors based on the schema.org guidelines, which helps you optimize posts to get rich results.

Structured data section in URL details

We’ve also added validation errors with Schema to the All issues tab. As always, click on the question mark to learn more about the problem and see guidelines on how to fix it.

Validation errors with Schema in All issues tab

You can now also build queries with the new fields for structured data properties and their values that we’ve added directly in Page Explorer.

For example, if we want to find all posts written by Tim Soulo, we can apply a filter for the author schema property, then set a property value to those containing “Tim Soulo”. 

Sample query built in Page Explorer with new fields for structured data properties and their values

URL rating metric

We’ve added the URL rating metric to Content Explorer. Just click on it to see a trend chart in the history tab.

For now, it’s not possible to filter or sort by UR since we don’t have this metric for all pages in the content index. It’s also not yet available in exports. We’re looking to add this functionality in the coming months.

Click on the URL rating metric in Content Explorer to see a trend chart in the history tab

Keyword database update + improving search traffic estimations

Earlier in March 2023, we updated our keyword volume estimates with the intention to make them more accurate. But thanks to many of you, we’ve come to realize that this update actually caused a decrease in search traffic estimations for many websites.

To fix that discrepancy, we recently rolled out another big update to our database. This includes:

  • Updated search volume estimations for ~16.6B keywords
  • Added 20M+ new keywords to our Keywords Explorer database (US: updated 1.1B, new 3.3M; GB: updated 585M, new 730K; Canada: updated 448M, new 450K; Australia: updated 324M, new 316K)
  • We now have 650M+ keywords in Site Explorer, with 170 million in the US

This update should make our traffic estimations go back up and really improve their overall accuracy. Future updates should not cause dramatic swings in traffic estimates.

Learn more in our full blog post.

APIv3 updates

Good news: non-Enterprise plan users will be happy to know that you can now test Ahrefs APIv3 for FREE. Learn more about free test queries in our APIv3 docs.

And a couple of updates for Enterprise users – we just released an endpoint for the Matching terms report. As usual, you can use the API button to generate sample requests.

API button in Matching terms report

We’ve also added an option to limit API units usage per key. Workspace owners and admins can do this from the API keys section in Account settings.

Limit API units usage per key

Limit and disable pay-as-you-go charges

We’ve just added an option for workspace owners and admins to limit and disable all pay-as-you-go charges from Account settings. Whenever an individual user hits the limits set, they’ll be notified in that tool itself.

Limit and disable pay-as-you-go charges

Improved credits counter

The credits counter in the main header is now more visual, helping you better understand how credits and users work. Just hover over the usage level chart to learn more about your usage level.

Improved credits counter

That’s all for this month. If you have any feature requests, you can leave them on our Canny or in our subscribers-only Ahrefs Insider community. Enjoy!