What’s new at Ahrefs? (December 2021)

Rebekah Bek
Developing content to help you understand, navigate, and love using Ahrefs.
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This month’s updates are short and sweet. We have one new feature in Site Audit, and two general updates.

Let’s get right into it – use the sidebar to jump to updates for a specific tool.

Core Web Vitals charts and scores

Earlier this year, we added Core Web Vitals data to Site Audit. Quick refresher: these are a set of speed metrics that are used to measure user experience signals. They show you how your pages perform based on data taken from real users.

We’ve now added charts and scores for CWV as well. Head into any Site Audit crawl and click on your Performance report to see them. With this, you have a visualization of CrUX data and Lighthouse scores, their historical changes, and your website’s performance for individual metrics.

As always, you can click into any chart to see more details.

Remember that to see CWV data, you’ll need to head into your Site Audit Crawl settings and enable “Retrieve Core Web Vitals” with a valid API key set. Then you’ll need to run a fresh crawl.

Project Access Control (for Agency plans and above)

If you’re on an Agency or Enterprise plan, you can now manage access for your projects.

Just create a new project and you can allow specific users access to your project, share your project with your whole organization, or make it private just for yourself.

Now, for existing projects, you can click on this icon on your Dashboard to manage access permissions for each individual project.

We’ve also added a new Projects section in Account Settings.

From here, your workspace admins can access and manage all workspace projects, including private ones. Plus, with this release, only project owners or workspace admins are allowed to delete projects.

How to Use Ahrefs course

The How to Use Ahrefs course is now live!

Learn practical ways to use Ahrefs tools and reports to improve your SEO. We’ve collected our most actionable use cases into one dedicated course. No sign-up is required, and it’s completely free of charge.

While the course is geared towards new and existing users of Ahrefs, anyone who’s interested in SEO will still be able to learn different tactics to improve their Google rankings and get more search traffic. So feel free to recommend it to your friends.

Go to course 

That’s all for today.

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