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Ahrefs 构建在线 SEO 工具并创建免费学习材料,帮助全球数百万网站所有者从搜索引擎获得更多流量。


Ahrefs 工具和功能涵盖了最基本的 SEO 需求,例如竞争对手研究、关键词研究、网站审核、排名跟踪等等。

该公司由 Dmytro Gerasimenko 于 2010 年创立,总部位于新加坡。

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我们很高兴成为您在不断发展的在线营销、Web 和 SEO 行业世界中获取准确和值得信赖的数据和见解的首选来源。 我们的数据和指标受到业内领先媒体机构的高度信任。

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Google’s top suggestion is a Google page or service in 29 of the 100 cases, including for “news,” “nba,” and “calculator,” according to consultant Ahrefs Ltd.

According to statistics compiled by SEO company Ahrefs, “google” is indeed the top searched term on Bing worldwide.

“Google is an advertising company, and any push towards real privacy will hurt their revenue, which they wouldn’t do,” says Dmytro Gerasimenko.

“Google has named inbound links as one of their top three ranking factors,” explained Patrick Stox, a product adviser at Ahrefs.