Site Explorer

Erhalte einen detaillierten Einblick in den organischen Traffic und das Backlinkprofil jeder Webseite oder URL.

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Study key aspects of any website across 3 major areas:

  • Organic traffic performance—See what keywords your competitors are ranking for and which pages bring the most search engine traffic.

  • Backlink profile—See which websites link to your competitors' sites and gauge the quality of their backlinks.

  • Paid traffic performance—Learn whether your competitors are doing paid search advertising and where they funnel their paid traffic.

  • Website structure—See how many pages a website has, how they are organized, and what their internal links look like.

Site Explorer: Overview reportSite Explorer: Overview report showing Backlink profileSite Explorer: Paid keywords reportSite Explorer: Overview report showing Crawled pages
Hier siehst du, wie viel organischen Traffic eine Website bekommt und mit welchen Keywords sie in den Suchergebnissen platziert ist.
Zeigt dir auf einen Blick, wie das Backlink-Profil einer Website aussieht und wie es sich über die Zeit entwickelt hat.
Die exakten Keywords, für die deine Konkurrenten Anzeigen schalten, inkl. der Anzeigentexte und URLs der Landingpages.
See the number of crawled pages and their distribution by HTTP status code, without having to run a crawl.

Research organic traffic & keywords

Sieh die Keywords deiner Konkurrenten und wie viel Traffic ihnen jedes dieser Keywords bringt.

Ahrefs monitors hundreds of millions of keywords in 189 locations, with over 171 million in the US alone. Our comprehensive data allows us to provide reliable estimations of a website's organic search traffic in Google.

Site Explorer: Organic keywords reportSite Explorer: Top pages reportSite Explorer: Calendar reportSite Explorer: Site structure reportSite Explorer: Organic competitors report
Erhalte die Liste der Keywords für die eine bestimmte Webseite oder URL in den Suchergebnissen rankt.
Zeigt dir, welche URLs einer Website den meisten organischen Traffic bekommen.
Shows day-to-day changes for organic keywords positions, organic pages, and referring domains for your target website.
Shows which subfolders of a target website get the most organic traffic, referring domains, and paid traffic from search.
Shows the top organic competitors for the same keywords that your target website gets the most traffic from.

Research competitor backlinks

Ahrefs has the fastest backlink crawler in the industry and boasts the world's biggest index of live backlinks (over 14 trillion), offering access to 7+ years of historical data.

  • Domain rating (DR)

  • URL rating (UR)

  • Domain Traffic

  • URL Traffic

  • Verlinkte Domains

  • Externe Links

Site Explorer: Backlinks reportSite Explorer: Broken backlinks reportSite Explorer: Referring domains reportSite Explorer: Anchors reportSite Explorer: Internal backlinks reportSite Explorer: Best by links report
Eine Liste aller Backlinks, die auf die untersuchte Website oder URL verweisen.
Hier findest du die nicht funktionierenden Backlinks, die auf die Website oder URL verweisen.
Zeigt dir alle Domains, die auf die untersuchte Website oder URL verlinken.
Erhalte die gesamte Liste an Anchor Texten für eine bestimmte Webseite oder URL.
Erhalte eine Liste der internen Seiten, die auf andere Seiten deiner Website verlinken.
Zeigt Dir welche Seiten einer bestimmten Webseite die meisten Backlinks haben.

See what keywords your competitors are bidding on

Go back in time and see how long competitors have been bidding on a specific keyword through the Ads position history chart.

Study their ad copy to better understand what resonates with your audience and track which pages they’re sending paid traffic to, so you can compare how paid traffic has evolved over time.

Site Explorer: Paid keywords reportSite Explorer: Ads reportSite Explorer: Paid pages report
Erhalte eine Liste an Keywords für die eine bestimmte Webseite oder URL in der anorganischen Suche rankt.
Zeigt alle Werbeanzeigen, die wir für die untersuchte Webseite oder URL gefunden haben.
Überprüfe welche Seiten einer bestimmten Webseite den meisten Traffic aus PPC Anzeigen erhalten.

Browse historical data

Most of the reports above have a Date picker, which allows you to dig into a website's performance at any point in the past.

  • What keywords did they rank for (or bid on)?

  • What pages were performing the best?

  • What backlinks have they gained (or lost) in a given timeframe?

Site Explorer: Organic keywords reportSite Explorer: Backlinks reportSite Explorer: Paid keywords report
See which keywords your competitor used to rank for in the past.
Check new and lost backlinks in a given timeframe.
See which keywords your competitor has bid on in the past.

Compare changes between any two dates

You can also compare two historical snapshots to easily uncover which keywords and pages are responsible for the traffic spikes (or dips) you're seeing on the performance graph.

Site Explorer: Top pages report (Comparison mode)
See which pages and keywords are responsible for marginal gains in organic search traffic.

Browse your competitor’s outgoing links

The “Outgoing Links” section gives you an idea of any website’s linking patterns, like the type of websites it usually links to, the most-used anchors, and the predominant link types (redirects, images, affiliate links, etc.).

Site Explorer: Linked domains reportSite Explorer: Anchors reportSite Explorer: Outgoing links report
Zeigt dir eine Liste der anderen Webseiten, die von deiner untersuchten Website verlinkte werden.
Zeigt Dir den Anchor-Text aller ausgehenden Links einer bestimmten Seite.
Shows you all the links from your target website pointing to other websites.
Get started. Pick a plan that suits your needs, and we’ll see you on the other side.

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